This hebal offering is very special to me. Though I am not a member of any of the closed practices that venerate Yemaya, I maintain a very intimate relationship with her via my ancestral space. She came over to the West with the slave ships and due to the violent oppression of African based spirituality, all of their divine figures had to masked by Christian imagery. So she is also represented by the Black Madonna.
Yemaya, Orisha, Mother of All, Queen of the Ocean, Divine Feminine Embodidment
I wanted to make something special, specifically for working with her but oil and water don't mix so I landed on this ritual salt. It can be used to dress candles in her honor, sprinkled on name papers, left as an offering, or used to petition her in ritual baths (if you do this you only need to use half the jar per bath).
The blend has a himalayn salt base with a variety of herbs, essential oils, and flowers associated with her such as white rose, vetiver, blue cornflower, sandalwood, & more. Each jar also comes with a cowerie shell that you can bury as an offering, place in a gris gris bag, or use however you wish to stay connected to her.
Yemaya's blessings are that of a divine mother, her presence is truly impactful.
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